Every child deserves the chance to not only survive, but thrive…
Every child deserves the chance to not only survive, but thrive…
Child Sponsorship
January 2025 we opened the Awasi Education Centre in Kenya! We enrolled 61 students through our Child Sponsorship Program. Check out our students below.
Our Mission
Our Vision
Our vision is to provide communities with five core resources that meet the needs of basic survival and self-fulfillment – clean water, sustainable food sources, health & sanitation, education, safety & security.

Clean Water

Work alongside local farmers and international agriculturalists to help communities raise and sell produce or livestock; provide meals to children suffering from hunger, and identify and address sustainable food challenges in communities.

Construct facilities with adequate space to prevent the spread of disease, ensure health and hygienic needs of children are met, subsidize the cost of important medical resources, and partner with organizations to educate communities to improve their health.


Ensure the security of our projects and school environments through training and access to necessary materials that promote safety for the youth.
Our Current Project
Awasi, Kenya
In Kenya more than 1.2 million primary-school-aged children do not attend school. There are several schools with primitive rooms, dirt floors and no walls; books are rare and teachers may not receive the necessary training they need. Linc Worldwide saw the poverty associated with poor education and wanted to make a difference. In January 2025 we opened the Awasi Education Centre in Awasi, Kenya. This Catholic primary school will serve orphaned and vulnerable children in the surrounding towns with a strong education, access to clean drinking water, food, access to healthcare and more. We enrolled 61 children for the 2025 school year through our Child Sponsorship Program. We aim to secure an additional 25 Sponsors + Mentors by December 1, 2025 to enroll additional students for the 2026 school year. Each year we will add an additional class until we reach capacity. We also hope to drill a well and install solar panel powered pumps by the end of 2025.
What’s New
January 2025 we opened the doors to the Awasi Education Centre! We enrolled 61 orphaned and vulnerable children for the 2025 school year through our Child Sponsorship Program.
The Knights of Columbus raised $1,000 at their Santa Event in December for LINC.
We raised $25,000 at our 9th Fore the Kids Golf Outing! Funds will go to completion of the school and opening the doors to our first students in 2025. Thanks again to our title and print sponsors, Ohio Health Benefits and StreamlineCLE, respectively.
We raised over $8,200 at our 2nd Live.Love.Thrive.Run 5K race! Thank you to everyone who came out to support our cause!
Sign up with HungryFriend to raise funds for LINC. Download the app, select Linc Worldwide as your charitable organization, and every time you dine out at participating restaurants part of your purchase will go towards LINC! Click here to download and sign up. Additionally, find more information on downloading here.
Follow the link to view all current volunteer positions.
Upcoming Events
Dates for our 3rd Live.Love.Thrive.Run and 10th Fore the Kids Golf Outing are September 1, 2025 and September 20, 2025, respectively. Check out details here.
Interested in traveling to Kenya with us? Sign up for future trip details here.
Interested in getting involved? We are looking for more volunteers – consider applying to be a CORE Volunteer or LINC Ambassador today! Stay up to date with fundraiser details here.
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